Photographer: @aleixg (Follow on instrgam)
Ya ha pasado un tiempo desde que se celebró la semana de la moda de Barcelona pero no podía dejar de contaros todo lo que vi y viví el único día que pude pasar a empaparme un poquito de moda. Para mí ir a la #080fashionweek era un imprescindible en mi agenda así que hice un hueco, aunque solo fueran por unas horas. Esa misma tarde cogí un avión rumbo al norte así que no os imagináis que día de estrés!
El lugar escogido por la organización para celebrar la semana de la moda fue el Museo Marítimo de Barcelona, un enclave precioso, la mezcla perfecta entre pasado y futuro. Tuvimos la gran suerte de acudir a los desfiles de CND BY CÓNDOR (photogallery, video), Bóboli (photogallery, video) y Txell Tries (photogallery, video). Os dejo algunas de las fotos más provocativas de la última catwalk que vimos, fue realmente inspirador, no me quiero ni imaginar como sería poder ver algún desfile en directo de la New York Fashion Week!!
Para esta ocasión escogí un look muy yo, no buscaba marcar tendencia. Sólo buscaba sentirme cómoda, me esperaba una mañana muy ajetreada y sin descanso para seguir con horas de aeropuerto y avión. No hay nada "más yo" que unos jeans y un jersey oversize, y que mejor si es color botella. Al final de la mañana nos llovió, la forma perfecta para despedirse de la ciudad, aunque mis tacones no pensaran lo mismo. Ya sabéis que no hay nada mejor para estilizar la figura!
The Barcelona Fashion Week has been some days ago but I must to tell you everything I saw and lived the only day I could go. For me go to # 080fashionweek was a must in my schedule so I made a hole to go. That afternoon I flew northward so do not imagine that stressful day!
The place chosen by the organization to celebrate the fashion week was the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, a beautiful setting, the perfect blend of past and future. We had the good fortune to attend parades CND BY CONDOR (photogallery, video), Boboli (photogallery, video) and Txell Tries (photogallery, video). I am going to show you down some of the most provocative photos of the latest catwalk we saw, it was really inspiring, I do not even want to imagine how it would be to see a parade live from New York Fashion Week !!
For this occasion I chose a look which I perfectly refrect, not looking trendsetter. Just looking to feel comfortable.
Localización: Barcelona
The Barcelona Fashion Week has been some days ago but I must to tell you everything I saw and lived the only day I could go. For me go to # 080fashionweek was a must in my schedule so I made a hole to go. That afternoon I flew northward so do not imagine that stressful day!
The place chosen by the organization to celebrate the fashion week was the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, a beautiful setting, the perfect blend of past and future. We had the good fortune to attend parades CND BY CONDOR (photogallery, video), Boboli (photogallery, video) and Txell Tries (photogallery, video). I am going to show you down some of the most provocative photos of the latest catwalk we saw, it was really inspiring, I do not even want to imagine how it would be to see a parade live from New York Fashion Week !!
For this occasion I chose a look which I perfectly refrect, not looking trendsetter. Just looking to feel comfortable.
Location: Barcelona
Jeans: Stradivarius aw14
Tacones | heels: Stradivarius sales (similar here)
Anillos | rings: Mango sales (similar here)
Txell Tries (pic/
Txell Tries (pic/